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When or why should I change my electrical panel?

Before and After Panel Change

The electrical panel is the heart of your home’s electrical system. It’s responsible for distributing power to every corner of your house, ensuring that all your appliances and electronics have the energy they need to function properly. However, like all things, electrical panels can wear out and become obsolete over time, and this can be dangerous. In this article, we’ll discuss when you should call an electrician to look at replacing your electrical panel.

1. Large Electrical Loads are Added

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If you’re adding any large electrical loads to your home, such as electric vehicles, hot tubs, air conditioners, or renovated kitchens with a lot of power-hungry appliances, you may need to upgrade your electrical panel to handle the extra load. If your current panel is already at its limit, it may not provide sufficient power to run these additional devices, resulting in recurring fuse tripping, dimming, or flickering lights, or other frustrating electrical issues.

2. If It’s Only 100 Amp

If your home has 100-amp service, it might be time to replace your panel if you’re adding additional circuits, appliances or simply expanding your living space. Most modern homes require at least 200-amp service to ensure the load of appliances and electronics doesn’t overload the system. Upgrading your electrical panel to 200 amps will prevent these issues from arising and will also improve the reliability and safety of your electrical system.

3. If It’s a Fuse Box

Fuses are outdated technology and are often found in older homes still in service after many years of wear and tear. Unlike circuit breakers, fuses do not trip automatically when there is too much electrical current flowing through a circuit. This flaw can lead to dangerous electrical fires, and unsightly power surges which can destroy expensive appliances, such as computers or televisions. Upgrading from a fuse box to a circuit breaker panel is an essential step to ensuring a safe home.

4. If It’s One of the Many Recalled, Discontinued or Obsolete Brand

Federal Pacific Panel

Sometimes, electrical panels can become obsolete and pose a significant safety hazard. For example, there have been recalls on some brands that are no longer in business, such as Federal Pacific Electric, where reports have found that some of their electrical panels weren’t built to meet safety standards or have become outdated. Other brands, like Zinsco and Bulldog, are discontinued, and yet their panels are still present in some homes. These discontinued brands and panels no longer comply with modern safety codes, and in most cases, should be replaced immediately.

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5. After 20-30 Years

Lastly, if you still have the original panel in your home and it’s been 20 to 30 years since the system was installed, then it’s probably time to have it replaced. Even if your electrical panel doesn’t show any obvious problems, the insulation, connections, or other electrical components might have deteriorated over time, posing a significant risk to your home and family.

As homeowners, it’s crucial to ensure that our homes remain safe and livable. If any of the above-mentioned signs are present, then it’s time to replace your electrical panel. A professional electrician can help you decide whether you need an upgrade or repair and will ensure that any electrical issues in your home are resolved. Remember, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Don’t wait until it’s too late to make sure your electrical system is in good working condition. Contact your local licensed electrician today.

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